Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Top 5 Bodybuilding Workouts for Beginners

Bodybuilding workouts for beginners is usually a little different than for experienced folks. To start out with, you will probably lift fewer pounds and you want your body to get used to using your muscles in a weight lifting way.

We will in this article go through some exercises and tips about bodybuilding workouts for beginners and if you apply them to your daily routine, you will start to see results very soon.

The Workouts
It is recommend that the bodybuilding workouts for beginners should be started out with machines and then gradually be shifted over to free weights.

-#1 - Chest Press:
The chest press machine is great to start out with because you get the hang of using your chest muscles. Besides using the chest muscle with this machine, you also make use of your shoulders and triceps.

After a week or two, you should go over to the bench press and start out slow. If the bench press does not feel comfortable, then start out with the smith machine.

-#2 - Butterfly:
The butterfly is another excellent exercise that should be included in the bodybuilding workouts for beginners, as it targets your chest muscles in a good way. When you feel comfortable with this exercise, you can move over to be doing chest flyers with dumbbells, either on a flat bench, an incline bench or a decline bench.

-#3 - Lats Pull Down:
The lats pull down is a great exercise for your lat muscle and much of your back area. This is not only among the bodybuilding workouts for beginners, but experienced lifters also make use of it.

This routine should always be in your bodybuilding workouts for beginners, but when you feel like a variety and feel comfortable enough you can move over to the dead lift. The dead lift is a tough exercise, so get your hands on a muscle building program or contact a coach so that you know exactly how to lift it.

-#4- Shoulder Press:
The shoulder press machine is among the great bodybuilding workouts for beginners. It targets your shoulders and triceps.

When you feel comfortable doing the shoulder press, you should try lifting free weights with a barbell and dumbbells and you can switch between sitting and standing.

-#5 - Leg Press:
The leg press is another awesome exercise that focus on your lower body. When you feel comfortable with this exercise, you can try out the squat exercise, either with free weights or with a smith machine.

Enjoy the Ride
The above bodybuilding workouts for beginners are all excellent exercises that you can make use of and switch up between using machines and free weights. It is recommended that you use free weights on a more frequent basis when you are more used to working out. Most importantly however, is that you enjoy the ride.

Follow the above bodybuilding workouts for beginners and start a wonderful muscle building journey.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sinus Therapy

Sinus problems or sinusitis is a common problem that impacts the respiratory tract. The main indications of sinusitis are nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches, etc. The symptoms and their severity can vary from one individual to another.

Sinus problems are often handled with antihistamines and decongestants. These pills reduce the symptoms of the problem of providing relief to the patient. In most acute cases,surgical procedures or antibiotics are prescribed. Sinus problems can be very disabling, because it can affect your ability to smell and taste of the person.

There are a number of remedies that can help relieve sinus symptoms preventing worsening of the condition.Among the best fund of the sinuses:

1. Use medicinal vapor rub: massage steam treatments are an effective way to open the nasal cavity. These are available in all pharmacies and require no prescription.For optimum results, apply a bit of friction vopor in and around the nose, but remember that do not apply near eyes or inside your nose.

2. Use humidifier Dry air: especially during the summer months can cause problems for people with sinus. A humidifier can restore moisture in the air you breathe and help relieve the symptoms of sinusitis. But make sure you change the filter regularly humidifier and fill it with fresh clean water every day.

3. Saline nasal sprays: These are non-medicated nasal spray, saline-filled. You can find them in a drug store or cosmetics. These sprays are very effective for clearing the nasal passage and breathing better. Some people do not like them because they smell weird, but they can be very useful for patients most sinusitis.

4. Eat hot and spicy: even in the midst of an acute attack of the breast, most patients find eating hot and spicy foods such as soup, horseradish, and a light curry, etc., very useful. This will help rid the nasal passage at once. Seasonings such as garlic and chili are the best natural medicine nasal congestion, and if eaten hot, you can actually soothe your senses and help you relax.

5. Drink water before sleeping: Before going to bed every night, drink plenty of water. Water toxins from your body and keeps the nasal passage clear through the night. Also, keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your sinuses in check.

Sinusitis is a common health problem, but if not properly treated, can seriously affect their daily lives. Try these solutions to reduce the symptoms of this problem to the limit. There you can see the results.

Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Gain Weight But Not Fat

If you're wondering how to gain weight, the first thing to keep in mind is that you want to gain muscular bodyweight, and not fat. Unless you're a genetic marvel you should know that you'll almost certainly gain a small amount of fat as well, because it's tough to eat enough food to add muscle without the body storing some of the extra food as fat.

Certainly you will need to step up the amount of food that you eat. It's easier to do this as a gradual process, so that your body can adapt to the extra food. Just as important is to eat quality food, not junk. Here is a way to work out how much you should be eating if you wandering how to gain weight;

Let's assume that your diet consists of 50% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 20% fat. I'm not saying that all diets should fall into this pattern, this is for illustration purposes.

You will need to keep track of your lean body mass, to make sure that you're adding mostly muscle and not fat.

Let's say that your lean mass is 150lb. You will need one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass, so that's 150 grams protein - which will form 30% of your total calories a day in the example above. One gram of protein equals four calories, so that's 600 calories from protein a day.

Remember that equals 30% of your total intake, so your daily total will be 2000 calories a day. Half of that will be carbohydrate, which is 1000 calories. One gram of carbohydrate is four calories, which means you'll eat 250 grams of carbohydrate daily. The remaining 400 calories is fat intake, and know that 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories, which comes out at 44.4 grams of fat a day. (Aim for good fats and not saturated ones.)

So to sum up, 2000 calories a day - broken down as 250 grams carbohydrate, 150 grams protein and 44 grams of fat. This may be more food than you're used to, and the easiest way to tackle it is to divide your meals up into five or even better six meals a day - eating more often means you can keep the meals slightly smaller, and this also helps speed your metabolism up, which will make fat burning easier.

Of course, as you put weight on, you'll have to recalculate and add more food gradually as you go if you want to keep gaining weight.

That will give enough fuel to your muscles to allow them to grow. Next, you need a well planned bodybuilding routine - this is how to gain weight without getting fat.

You'll want to concentrate on major compound exercises like the squat, dead lift and leg press for the lower body, and the chin up, dip, bench and overhead presses for the upper body.

A big mistake a lot of amateur bodybuilders make in their quest of how to gain weight is that they neglect to train their legs - your legs contain some of the largest muscles in your body. The quickest way to gain weight is to build up the largest muscles in your body first.

Know also that over two thirds of your muscle mass is contained in the legs and back - this is why squats and dead lifts are the two muscle builders par excellence, so make sure you learn how to do them, and then train them hard.

Understanding how to design and plan home workout routines that will work for your body is perhaps the most important part of bodybuilding.